Thursday 9 June 2011

Alliteration Challenge

I haven't been keeping up with my alliteration stories on a regular basis. Life got busy and I am now getting back on track to making time for writing regularly.
Here's one that I gave as a Birthday card to my musician husband:

Tony's Telecaster

Tony, the resident technophile, felt his toil was tedious, his talents wasted. "I'd rather live in a tee-pee tie-dying and tinkering with my telecaster." His apprentice, a teeny bopper technophobe, agreed and told Tony to telegraph his intentions via telepathy to his techno-geek friends. Telepathic communication proved more traumatic than Tony or his teeny bopper trainee had anticipated. A tiring game of telephone tag ensued.
Tony teethed his way through tee-pee building but was too tired to tie-dye. While his friends, Tiana and Marco Tiente, watched a re-run of their favourite telenova, Tony tried tuning his telecaster. Soon, temporal tunes tasting of rich melody floated untethered across the tee-pee.
"You have a terrific termperament," his friends told him. "Perfect for life in a tent."

© 2011, Sonya Wilson, all rights reserved

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